
2023-09-11 10:28:14 生活饮食 0阅读 回答者:admin


1、Netizen: Diane: Expanding Task 1 related partners, Prot? 0: In expansion task 2, after stop loss, become a partner within one hour.

2、Bernie: On the eighth mission, after Chris was shot down. Round 10 can be used, SEB: expand the partner after task 3 is completed.

3、Marion: After entering the expansion task 4 and the incident between Youyu and Nimbus, Sun Yu entered the expansion task 5 again, and became a companion after communicating with his girlfriend.

4、Zero? Spotted shark (original? 0): On the 12th task, after communicating with him, the companion

5、Gudo, garload: partner after completion of expansion task 5, rina, etc. In special mode, enter expansion task 5 and transfer partner.

6、Xx: In the 13th mission, after communicating with Hiro and triumphing with Hiro, it can be used in the 14th mission after rescuing Queen Diana.


