- 1、关于俄罗斯历史,有哪些冷知识,历史课本从来不讲,很多人不了解?
- 2、俄罗斯英语介绍
- 3、用英语写俄罗斯简介
- 4、那些关于极寒俄罗斯的冷知识,除了爱吃寿司,你还知道有哪些?
- 5、俄罗斯的英文简介
- 6、关于俄罗斯的英文介绍
Russia, or the Russian Federation, is the largest country in the world and is so vast that it has eleven time zones and a coastline of more than 23,000 miles. Known mostly for its natural resources, Russia has more than 100,000 rivers, and the world’s largest forest, and largest lake (Lake Baikal). Russian is the predominant language, but more than 100 languages are spoken throughout the country. Russia is famous for the Bolshoi Ballet, dancers such Rudolf Nureyev and Anna Pavlova, classical music composers Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, and literary masers such as Tolstoy, Pushkin, and Dostoevsky. Russia is also known for its fine vodka and caviar. Moscow is the capital and largest city in Russia, followed by St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.
Russia introduces
Russia (or the Russian federation) is located north the Eurasia,
north cross Eastern Europe Asia's majority of lands.
North near Arctic Ocean Balen, White sea, sea of Kela, sea of lapujef,
east the Siberia sea and Chu Keqi the sea, east is close to the Pacific Ocean the Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan,
west shore Atlantic's Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Asian fast sea. With country and so on the Norway,
Finland, Poland, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussia, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Hasaksta is neighboring.
Separates the sea and Japanese and American Alaska faces one another.
The area 17.1 million square kilometers, are in the world the region are most vast,
the area most general countries, approximately composes the world land total area 11.4%. Coastline long 34,000 kilometers.
俄罗斯方块会有人没有玩过吗?在1984年6月6日,也就是37年前,《俄罗斯方块》华丽丽诞生。发明者是也是俄罗斯人Алексей Пажитнов,我记得有一年还用它的音乐做过手机铃声呢,实在过于经典。
Russia, or the Russian Federation, is the largest country in the world and is so vast that it has eleven time zones and a coastline of more than 23,000 miles. Known mostly for its natural resources, Russia has more than 100,000 rivers, and the world’s largest forest, and largest lake (Lake Baikal). Russian is the predominant language, but more than 100 languages are spoken throughout the country. Russia is famous for the Bolshoi Ballet, dancers such Rudolf Nureyev and Anna Pavlova, classical music composers Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, and literary masers such as Tolstoy, Pushkin, and Dostoevsky. Russia is also known for its fine vodka and caviar. Moscow is the capital and largest city in Russia, followed by St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.
Discover the Rich Russian Culture
Russia has a rich cultural heritage that is expressed in the cities, the countryside and the small towns of this striking and proud nation. While virtually every place you might visit during your travels here lives and breathes this culture, it is often most easily absorbed while visiting several of the country's attractions. The Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, for instance, is filled with famous Russian icons. The Heritage Museum and Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg are filled with brilliant art collections, while the many hamlets and small towns of the countryside exude a different sort of lifestyle. Old Cloisters and castles help visitors reflect on Russia's past and give the history of the country and interesting perspective.
The more you travel the country, the more you will come to realize just how extensive the history and traditions of the country truly are. Russia is also a culturally diverse country, with dozens of ethnic groups each contributing their own languages, religious beliefs, customs and folk music. The rich blend that results from the cosmopolitan mixture is fascinating to discover and visitors will find that there is always something new to explore and learn about.
Another aspect of Russian culture that you may consider investigating is its performing arts. For centuries Russian theatres have been housing some of the top performances in the world in terms of ballet and opera. There are a variety of other theatrical productions worth seeing - such as drama and musicals - and visitors may even consider visiting a cinema during their stay to discover a more youthful form of theatrical expression.
So come to this exquisite country and discover the rich cultural heritage that it has to offer. Whether you enjoy art, theatre, history, architecture or local customs, Russia has it all. Make sure that you explore Russian culture the next time you visit this fascinating country!
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