1、reach reach[ritʃ; ri; tʃ]及物动词1 到,达,抵a. 到达 <目的地、去处等> ,抵达; 到We shall ~ New York tonight.我们今晚将到达纽约London can be ~ed in two hours.两个小时内可以到达伦敦The upper story is ~ed by rough stone stairs.崎岖的石阶可通到楼上b. 达到 <某种状态、结果等> ,届,及Have you ~ed the end of the first chapter?.你已读到第一章的末尾了吗?They have ~ed old age.他们已届高龄c. 达成 <决定、结论等>~ a conclusion [an agreement]得出结论 [达成协议]d. 伸手 [脚等] 及到<物>,触及,接触到I could not ~ the top of the wall.我 (的手) 及不到围墙的顶端The ladder did not ~ the window.梯子 (长度) 达不到窗子Her hair ~es her shoulders.她发长及肩e. 进入 <耳、目等>Rumor ~ed her ears that.….她听 (人传) 说…(…的传闻进入她耳中)Not a sound ~ed his ears.他没有听到一点声音f. <数量> 达…,及…The total number of people infected with malaria was expected to ~ 20 million.感染疟疾者的总人数预期达到两千万人g. <影响等> 扩及,延及,及His influence ~es the next village.他的势力扩展到邻村The book ~ed a wide audience abroad.。