take care of翻译(take care of)

2023-06-05 16:09:01 生活饮食 0阅读 回答者:admin

大家好,小探来为大家解答以上的问题。take care of翻译,take care of这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、look after 或 care for 照顾的意思粗心比无知更为有害 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.节约便士,金镑自然会累积起来(积少成多). To care for wisdom and truth and the improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation获得智慧,寻求真理,并使心灵美好,要比追求金钱、荣誉和名声好得多 Wang Yan has her hands full with working full time during the day and taking care of the family the rest of the time王燕白天上班,下班之后还得照顾家里,简直是忙得不可开交。


