
2023-09-18 14:38:06 社会百科 0阅读 回答者:admin


1、commentary noun * Irregular: -ies plural * a spoken description of an event that is given while it is happening, especially on the radio or television (尤指电台或电视台所作的)实况报道,现场解说 countable uncountable ~ (on sth) o a sports commentary 体育实况报道 o Our reporters will give a running commentary(= a continuous one)on the election results as they are announced. 我们的记者将对选举的公布结果作实况追踪报道。

2、 o He kept up a running commentary on everyone who came in or went out. 他不断地对上下场的每一位队员进行解说。

3、 * a written explanation or discussion of something such as a book or a play 注释;解释;评注;评论 countable ~ (on sth) o a critical commentary on the final speech of the play 对这剧本结尾的台词所作的批评性评论 * a criticism or discussion of something 批评;议论 countable uncountable ~ (on sth)。


