潘婷广告歌曲 杨丞琳代言(潘婷广告歌)

2023-09-16 09:32:07 社会百科 0阅读 回答者:admin

大家好,我是小百,我来为大家解答以上问题。潘婷广告歌曲 杨丞琳代言,潘婷广告歌很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


2、I am unwritten

3、Can t read my mind

4、I m undefined

5、I m just beginning

6、The pen s in my hand

7、Ending unplanned

8、Staring at the blank page before you

9、Open up the dirty window

10、Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

11、Reaching for something in the distance

12、So close you can almsot taste it

13、Release your inner visions

14、Feel the rain on your skin

15、No one else can feel it for you

16、Only you can let it in

17、No one else, no one else

18、Can speak the words on your lips

19、Drench yourself in words unspoken

20、Live your life with arms wide open

21、Today is where your book begins

22、The rest is still unwritten

23、I break tradition

24、Sometimes my tries

25、Are outside the lines

26、We ve been conditioned

27、To not make mistakes

28、But I can t live that way

29、Staring at the blank page before you

30、Open up the dirty window

31、Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

32、Reaching for something in the distance

33、So close you can almost taste it

34、Release your inner visions

35、Feel the rain on your skin

36、No one else can feel it for you only you can let it in

37、No one else, no one else

38、Can speak the words on your lips

39、Drench yourself in words unspoken

40、Live your life with arms wide open

41、Today is where your book begins

42、Feel the rain on your skin

43、No one else can feel it for you

44、Only you can let it in

45、No one else, no one else

46、Can speak the words on your lips

47、Drench yourself in words unspoken

48、Live your life with arms wide open

49、Today is where your book begins

50、The rest is still unwritten

51、Staring at the blank page before you

52、Open up the dirty window

53、Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

54、Reaching for something in the distance

55、So close you can almsot taste it

56、Release your inner visions

57、Feel the rain on your skin

58、No one else can feel it for you

59、Only you can let it in




